A veces, una imagen vale más que mil palabras.
About Andreu
Team Building Expert and professional speaker. Facilitator at Dreams & Adventures. Twenty years of experience organizing adventure projects, Team Building events and outdoor training for top leading firms from all over the world. AWARDS: Guinness Certificate ( Guinness World Records): Primer español en cruzar el Atlántico a remo en solitario. Premio Internacional a la Hazaña deportiva del Año. Diario Marca Medalla de Oro al Mérito Turístico. Turisme de Catalunya. Generalitat de Catalunya.
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Like many people, I learn better through experience than theory. Also, if presented with huge reams of text, I tend to lose interest quite quickly. Lots of us are more visual learners, so I wanted to expand my 10 tips with some imagery to illustrate the points.
Team building is one of the most important organization development activities. It helps the workers to gain leadership skills, learn how to work together, acquire self development skills and build positive communication within the organization.
Este informe nace de la iniciativa conjunta de siete asociaciones de la industria de reuniones unidas en pos de la potenciación de este importante segmento
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